Dear Ones -
Gurumayi spoke at a satsang tonight (Thursday) and Phyllis Evans and I were
fortunate to be able to hear her words of compassion and inspiration. During
the ride home, we wrote down some of the thoughts she expressed, as we wanted
to send them to you.
First we had something to eat in the Anugraha Amrit, with CNN on the monitor
(a very strange sight, to be sure! but we are being told to be in this
world.) We heard from someone else that on Tuesday, as these events were
unfolding, the monitors in the Muktananda Mandir were broadcasting the news.
At one point, President Bush spoke - this woman said it was a very surreal
sight to see GW Bush speak in the ashram! What a wonderful experience for
him and for our country that he got to experience the shakti (unbeknownst to

We chanted Om Namah Shivaya.

Rudra Sharp gave an brief outline of the day's news events. He remarked that
it is uplifting that our leaders are saying that while there is a particular
ethnic group that has caused this devastation, it is intolerable that people
retaliate on a personal level. Rudra emphasized that we must DO what we can
to help this situation and outlined a few possibilities. Check with the
ashram regarding the following:
1) There will be several clothes collection boxes for the rescue
workers at
the ashram (adults sizes needed, as they need to change constantly due to all
the dust, debris and asbestos)
2) The blood banks are ok for now (at least up there) but in a few weeks,
more blood will be needed to replenish the supply
3) There is a relief fund to which we can donate money

Rudra Sharp said that Gurumayi has been emphasizing that these satsangs are
being held for the WORLD COMMUNITY, and that we, as devotees, need to be out
there in the world. Three questions were asked of us, and the mike went
around for people to share.
1) What are you doing pragmatically to help this situation?
2) What are you doing in the ashram, as you interact with others, as you do
your seva
3) What are you doing in your spiritual practices to help this situation

We chanted and meditated.

Then Gurumayi spoke. She spoke of the evil that has taken place and that
there has been a battle between the light and evil for eons and eons and eons.
It is written in the Puranas (spelling?) We must pray for the dark
souls - how long did they take with these plans? Twenty years? ....
fifteen years ... yes, at least 15 years. There are many people that have
darkness as their obsession. Help them to get rid of their attachment to the
darkness and see the beauty of this world.

She spoke of college students who organized a letter writing campaign to our
leaders, requesting justice, not revenge. She said that we needed to set our
political differences aside, this is not the time for that.
We must have faith in our leaders that they will do what is needed.
We see the television, we think we know what's happening - we don't know
all the facts.
They know all the facts. We cannot see all the facts on television, because
we all know everyone can watch it. Send our leaders our faith in their
judgment, if we don't trust in their judgment, they will be too confused.
They're the ones in power, they're the ones who have to make the

Help the dead to die - they don't know yet they're dead. Their souls need
our help and they in turn will help us through this. They have more
freedom than we do. They can go places we can't go physically.

There was a devotee on the plane that crashed in Pittsburgh. His last name
was Bevin but I am not positive of the first name. He lived in California.
Guruamayi told several wonderful stories about him. What an amazing

She said to have uplifting thoughts and uplifting conversations.
Be nice to each other. Be informed but don't become inundated with
the images of destruction - you risk re-traumatizing yourse lf over and
over again.

Make concerted efforts to help, contact the ashram. Know your greatness,
his is NOT at time to feel small. You must make yourself big to fit the
situation. Our prayers are powerful. Know your power - even if you
don't realize it, your prayers and chants are very uplfiitng to the world.
Children can do so much, to help. Their voices are uplifting to all
the souls.
It is very late but I wanted wanted you all to benefit as well from
Gurumayi's gift. Please excuse the awkward phrasing and the
paraphrasing as well. It was so incredibly transforming to hear
her words and it confirmed, for me at least, my first thoughts when
I heard the news - that this is wakeup call for all us and for those
on the spiritual path, this is a time for concerted efforts.
We are so fortunate to have our Guru and to have each
other. It's a beautiful world.

love and love and love

P.S. If anyone has any thoughts to share, or if you went to the
ashram and would like to share your experience, please contact me and I will be
glad to forward them on to our group.



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